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Nigeria, Ghana, Benin, Togo review West African Gas Pipeline (WAPCO) operations

The law and the regulation governing the operation of the West African Gas Pipeline (WAPCO) is the subject of an amendment in Lomé, this Thursday, September 26, 2019. Experts, delegates and parliamentarians of the four countries that are part of this transnational mechanism (Nigeria, Ghana, Benin and Togo) are meeting in a workshop that was opened by Dèdèriwè Marc Ably-Bidamon, Togolese minister of mines and energy, and also president of the Committee of Ministers of the West African Gas Pipeline Project .

Indeed, the meeting “aims first of all to imbue you with the realities of the West African Gas Pipeline, after eight years of operation,” said the Togolese minister. It is also for these actors to harmonize their points of view, “on amendments that the test of time, or the experience of exploitation have made necessary”.

The experts will thus floor on the proposals of amendment of the law of WAPCO and its regulation with the institutions concerned. The idea being to submit the harmonized proposals for adoption by the parliaments of the four States Parties.

This solidarity tool between the four countries of West Africa, with an estimated cost of $ 974 million, aimed at its launch to provide gas with a maximum capacity of 13.45 million cubic meters per day to countries such as Benin, Togo, Ghana and Nigeria . Launched since the beginning of this decade, its functioning has, however, been undermined by cash and unpaid issues vis-à-vis some partner countries.

As a reminder, these negotiations take place in a context where Nigeria has closed its borders with its western neighbors, particularly Benin, and consequently Ghana and Togo. A closure that is not without consequences on the economies of these countries and continues without the authorities of Abuja announce end date.

Source: Agence Ecofin

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