By Adaobi Rhema Oguejiofor
The Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC), as part of its conscious efforts to make prepaid meters more accessible to customers within 48 hours, has begun a mobile Meter Asset Programme (MAP in Owerri, Imo State. MAP is a metering intervention designed and approved by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC),
The Head of Corporate Communications for EEDC, Mr. Emeka Ezeh, explained that the metering program allows the Disco’s customers access to pay for the meters, get metered, and also get compensated with the value of the meter cost through energy over a period of time.
Ezeh stated that the Company adopted this as a strategic approach in order to close the existing metering gap in its network. He added that the mobile MAP metering kicked off in Enugu in 2022 and has been executed in several locations within the metropolis. It has cut across Ogidi and Onitsha, in Anambra State, where about 6000 customers have already been metered through the program.
In his own words, “to subscribe to the programme, EEDC customers residing in Owerri are expected to visit either the Owerri or New Owerri District office with a valid form of identification and a copy of their bills. Company officials will assist with the MAP application process, and installation will be made once payment is confirmed.”
Ezeh expressed that customers are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity and get metered, while also bearing in mind that they will be reimbursed with the value of the cost of the meter through energy over a period of time. He added that it is the only way they can manage their energy consumption and pay for exactly what they consume.
Accoring to him, the exercise is being carried out by the Disco in conjunction with its Meter Asset Providers (MAPs), MOJEC International Limited and Advanced Energy Management Services (AEMS). The programme is aimed at closing the existing metering gap in the power sector.