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Vital Tools for Effective Parenting

-Aisha S. Michika

Parenting requires lots of energy, concentration and determination whenever parents interact with their wards for the purpose of appealing to their better nature. The character we display plays a major role in our children’s life. As parents, it is important to be mindful of how we talk to our children. This is because the behaviour of parents has a great impact on the children. How we communicate with them gives them the picture of how we attend to them all the time. Parents that are always busy having less time for their kids do not give the children a sense of not belonging as they caged in their own world of imagination without the necessary care and protection. Using harsh, angry words makes fearful and in the end they end up lacking self confidence.

Children most times find it difficult to communicate when they are not conformable with the person or situation, therefore whenever a parent want to be authoritative it has to be in a way the children will be willing to listen and yet still hold firm to meet their needs; giving them the opportunity to participate in finding a solution at the same time. Such a step definitely gives them a leeway to know the importance of always listening to their parents as objects of identification.

It is worthwhile, when parents get down to the level of their wards or invite them to have a chat. Such a strategy helps build a strong relationship with the kids. Gaining your children’s attention is very important because it assures you that you have modeled a behaviour for them and once you stick to it, it will surprise you how easy it is in making decisions and giving them instructions as the case may  be. Your child may not like your decision, but they will know that it stands firm once both parents are united in their decision. It is advisable to try as much as possible to show them that you mean business.  As parents one should demonstrate respectful behavior at all times. This is because they watch what we do all the time. 

It is not wise to misbehave in front of the kids because they mirror our behaviour, whatever you disseminate they do the same thing proudly because most times parents are their children’s role model. Teach your kids the essence of open communications, encourage them all the time to do that, it helps them develop closeness with you, cooperation, and self-esteem. Make an effort to foster your relationship by talking to your children with every opportunity you get. Make an effort always by saying positive words towards your children. Negativity makes them feel dad and discouraged. Use positive words when giving them instructions. If you exhibit good manners your child would begin to follow suit continuously. Saying simple words like ‘please thank you’  and always smile because such gestures lifts their spirit.

If your child isn’t responding to your requests or seems confused by your instructions, make it a habit to check if they understand things before moving on to the next topic, because they can be too playful at times and don’t seem to take you seriously sometimes. Therefore, applying these strategies will make your kids feel that you care enough to listen to them. If you are one of those that give their kids half attention when they are seeking for that, like while you are busy on your phone while responding to them pretending that you are interested in what they are saying while you are not; your children will never take you serious no matter the situation.

When you want them to carry out your instructions, try as much as possible not to overdo it, if you often nag your child over little things, they will end up not listening to you. It is your duty to make them understand why they need to do something. They need to know why it is important that they should follow your instructions. Try as much as possible to bring your children close to you and create an atmosphere that establishes a strong bond with them.

Communication is key because it is the only way you get feedback with a clear view of what you asked because inculcating discipline does not mean extreme. Always give your children the opportunity to experience sharing of responsibilities.  Ask for their opinions, views on certain things and this shows your child that you value their opinions and that they are important to you. Giving more thought into how you speak with your child will help to develop a more positive relationship between you and them. It’s more likely that your child will share their thoughts and feelings with you when you make them feel that you genuinely accept and love them as they are.

A sense of confidence would be demonstrated by your children, once they know you will always be there for them no matter what.  It is important for parents to fully accept our children personalities and all, because a situation where your child sees himself or herself as the bad sheep in the family, such child finds it difficult to communicate with anyone in that house; which eventually turns out to be a disaster. Always give your child the right to express himself no matter the situation as this can be the peak that you are waiting for. your child ends up telling you a delicate matter that needs immediate attention.

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