National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), yesterday, said that the petroleum products importation statistics for full year 2019 reflected that 20.89 billion litres of
Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), 5.15 billion litres of Automotive Gas Oil (AGO), 128.11million litres of Household
Kerosene (HHK), 1.07 billion litres of Aviation Turbine Kerosene (ATK), 45.98 million litres of Low Pour Fuel Oil
(LPFO) and 526.06 million litres of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) were imported into the country in full year 2019.
Zonal distribution of truck-out volume for full year 2019 showed that 20.58 billion of Premium Motor Spirit
(PMS), 5.16 billion litres of Automotive Gas Oil (AGO), 270.22 million litres of Household Kerosene (HHK), 1.05 billion
litres of Aviation Turbine Kerosene (ATK), 84.53 million litres of Low Pour Fuel Oil (LPFO) and 734.21 million of
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) were distributed nationwide during the period under review.
Similarly, the bureau said that the total household expenditure on food and non-food for 2019 was N40, 207,388,459,367 (N21,620,601,543,613.90 in 2009/10) at the national level.
Of this total, 56.65 per cent (60.2 per cent in 2009/10) of total household expenditure in 2019 was spent on food with the balance of about 43.35 per cent (39.8 per cent in 2009/10) spent on non- food items. Food consumed outside the home, followed by transportation costs and starchy roots, tubers and plantains were responsible for the largest proportion of household expenditure representing a combined 24.16 per cent of total household expenditure in 2019.
Source: The Sun