In this interview with Valuechain Oil & Gas Magazine, Engr. Onuoha Erasmus Chimezie who is a pipeline expert with over 20 years’ experience in pipeline construction, operations, maintenance, commissioning and decommissioning, advises on the adoption and integration of ICT devices into the Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano (AKK) pipeline system, adding that pipeline cyber security with strong government will to track and punish any third-party activity on the pipeline will go a long way in preserving the pipeline and achieving the desired goals. Excerpts:
What are your perspectives on pipeline infrastructure developments in particular Nigeria and in general, Africa?
There are vast pipeline networks in Nigeria’s Oil and Gas industry. Pipelines have been utilized in the transportation of hydrocarbon from upstream point of production to the point of sales at the terminals. Very few companies transport hydrocarbon using other means like trucking, barging etc. To this extent, pipelines have been adequately developed and utilized for the economic growth of Nigeria. On the African horizon, pipelines have not been adequately utilized to distribute hydrocarbon products across African nations. Few pipelines like the West African Gas Pipeline that runs from Nigeria to Ghana are in existence. More should be constructed to help boost energy distribution across Africa with the resultant economic improvement of the African continent.
Nigeria has pipeline network designed to seamlessly distribute crude and white products nationwide just as billions of Naira is spent annually to maintain the lines. However, the country relies heavily on road transport to evacuate products. Why is this so?
Pipelines were constructed to run from terminals to refineries and depots across Nigeria for easy transportation of hydrocarbon products. Unfortunately, poor maintenance culture resulting to degradation, occasioned by corrosion on the pipelines and third-party interference through sabotage activities on the pipelines have done incalculable damages to the pipelines thus rendering the pipelines unfit for purpose. The resultant effect is the transportation of hydrocarbons through trucking along the Nigerian roads. This practise has put so much pressure on the roads leading to road failures across the country.
There is urgent need to restore the pipeline networks by carrying out integrity test on the pipelines with a view to identifying the bad sections, repair them, restore cathodic protection system on the pipelines and ensure that the maintenance and operation of the pipelines are in line with global best practices. Pipeline right of way surveillance must be restored with security gadgets that will detect and deter vandals from sabotaging the pipelines. In other words, technology should be deployed to safeguard pipelines.
On February 16, 2022 Algeria, Niger, and Nigeria agreed to resume construction of the multi-billion Trans-Saharan Gas Pipeline, which will run through the three countries into Europe. What’s your take on the impact of such huge infrastructural project on Nigeria?
This is highly commendable. The project will greatly boost the economy of the countries involved. Such gigantic projects should be encouraged for global economic integration. Nigeria has a huge gas reserve that has over the years been flared due to inadequate infrastructure to gather and process it. Nigeria has flared so much gas that would have contributed to the country’s foreign earnings. The Trans-Sahara Gas Pipeline will contribute immensely in eradicating gas flaring, improve foreign exchange earnings and conserve the environment. With the on-going Russia invasion of Ukraine with the resultant energy crisis in Europe, the Trans-Sahara Gas Pipeline would have closed the gap in shortage of gas supply to Europe. I look forward to the realization of this very important project and many like it across Africa and the entire globe. This project will enhance the free trade agreement, of which Nigeria is a signatory.
The NNPC announced recently that the 614-km Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano Pipeline, a signature project of this administration, will start operation by the first quarter of 2023. How did industry experts like you receive the news?
I am excited to hear the heart-warming news. It’s a great development for Nigeria and the industry. It gives hope for total eradication of gas flaring and monetization of the abundant gas resources with the added advantage of environmental preservation. AKK Pipeline project is ambitious with positive economic projections for the country. My concern is that we must get it right in the construction, operation and maintenance of this gigantic pipeline considering the humongous resources that will go into the project. With gas going from South to North via the AKK Pipeline, challenges of gas availability across the country will be reduced. The economic advantages are numerous.
The completion and operation of projects such as the AKK may be threatened by growing insecurity, especially kidnapping, banditry in the pipeline corridor. How best can the NNPC and investors secure the pipeline?
Insecurity across the country is a major setback for every economic development. AKK Pipeline will transverse remote places and so many ungoverned spaces across Nigeria. To this end, therefore, adequate government security forces must be deployed to provide security for the personnel and equipment during the entire period of this pipeline construction to forestall any ugly security incident. Technology should be incorporated into the pipeline construction phase for easy detection of any form of third-party interference on the pipeline. There are security surveillance tapes now in the market that should be incorporated into this project. The tapes are to be buried along the pipeline and it serves the purpose of signal and warning on the existence of the pipeline. There should be serious orientation of all the pipeline host communities on the dangers of encroachment on the high-pressure gas pipeline. Gas pipeline is a bomb waiting to explode with catastrophic consequences. Anyone that plays on a gas pipeline is actually playing with his life. Government agencies should make these inherent dangers very known and well understood to all the host communities across the pipeline network. Boundary markers, warning signs, signages, and security patrol and surveillance personnel must be deployed on 24/7 along the pipeline right of way (ROW). I will advise the adoption and integration of ICT devices into the pipeline system. Pipeline cyber security with a strong government will to track and punish any third-party activity on the pipeline, will go a long way in preserving the pipeline and achieving the desired goals. All road crossings, river crossings, etc must be clearly marked for easy identification and isolation from heavy-duty vehicles with potentials for serious impact.
Pipeline vandalism has now become a huge drain for the government and operators in the industry. What can you proffer as the best way to curb pipeline vandalism?
To curb pipeline vandalism, there should be general reorientation of the citizenry for patriotism. A situation where security personnels are culpable in product theft via pipeline vandalism is highly condemnable. It’s akin to a dog eating the bone hung on its neck for protection. The level of greed and get rich quick syndrome in our society today is alarming. We need to begin to think about the survival of Nigeria. We need to begin to think of the next generation. Pipeline vandalism to me, is a moral burden and an evil that has bedeviled our dear country. Having said that, government regulators should brace up with the challenge. Security agencies should rise up to the occasion and government should have the will power to deal with whoever is involved in this economic sabotage. A situation where 90% of crude oil produced does not get to the terminals for sale is alarming. Who are these pipeline vandals? Are they ghosts?
Technology should be deployed to detect third-party activities, a lot of such technologies abound, easily assessable and affordable. Everything boils down to the will, patriotism and sense of ownership to accomplish desired goal. Human beings operate technology. Regular right-of-way inspection should be encouraged. The law stipulates regular right-of-way helicopter surveillance but how many companies obey the law and what are the regulators doing to ensure compliance. All weed overgrown right of ways should be cleared and security posts installed at every kilometre on the right of way 24/7. A security company should be given the responsibility with clear terms and mandate to use drones to monitor all pipeline right of ways and report every two hours to a special security strike force for prompt action. I strongly believe that if these measures were adopted, pipeline vandalism will drastically reduce.
How can the industry regulators ensure QA/QC is strictly adhered to on projects such as the AKK and other upcoming pipeline facilities?
By deploying QA/QC resident project inspectors to site. Every crew on the AKK Pipeline project from beginning to the end must have a QA/QC inspector from government regulatory body attached to them. It is the duty of the QA/QC inspector to ensure compliance with the scope of work without compromise. All NDT tests etc must be strictly supervised by the site QA/QC inspector prior to acceptance or rejection. Integrity of the QA/QC inspector is paramount. The project team should not depend on the reports from the contractor handling the project. Contractors cut corners, therefore direct onsite supervision of every activity is very essential. On no account should incompetent personnel be allowed in the project. Welders should be high calibre and very competent ones in the industry. It will be too bad to use incompetent personnel for such gigantic project. Again, strict supervision is key to the success of the project. In the absence of a government QA/QC inspector, an independent QA/QC consulting company should be engaged to specifically handle all QA/QC activities of the project. This scope should be separated from that of the parent contractor. It should be independent to achieve desired results. We in Mode Four Solutions Ltd offer such services. AKK Pipeline project is humongous and should not be allowed to fail due to any form of negligence knowingly or unknowingly.
What were the levels of engagements done with pipeline professionals like you in the course of the design, execution and operation of projects such as the AKK?
The companies involved with the AKK Pipeline project are professionals with track records of performance. They have requisite experience in procurement, construction and operations of pipelines of such magnitude. I have no doubt in my mind that they will deliver quality job in accordance with the scope of work. At the level of pipeline professionals, not much engagement was done at the level of design and execution that I am aware of. The project is still on-going, therefore there’s still window to engage pipeline professionals as a third eye that can identify blind spots if any and proffer immediate corrective measures.
What’s your assessment of the Petroleum Investment Act (PIA) and how the law could help to attract investments in pipeline infrastructure?
The PIA is a good Act that if well implemented has the potentials to turn around the oil and gas industry for good. The act is designed for good governance of the oil and gas industry. It’s a business focused Act that captures the interest of all stakeholders, host communities, investors etc. The PIA, if well implemented, again I repeat, if well implemented, will definitely reduce incidence of pipeline vandalism as it will give host communities sense of ownership and thus will protect national assets that passes their communities. I see a PIA that will drastically help to eradicate gas flaring. I see a PIA that will make NNPC profitable. I see a PIA that will reduce tension among host communities and investors. I see a PIA that will encourage investors and build confidence for more investment. If pipeline vandalism stops and produced hydrocarbon gets to point of sale without theft, investors’ confidence to construct more pipelines will increase. Therefore, strict implementation of the PIA provisions will clearly restore the desired conducive environment for development in the oil and gas industry.
What role can pipeline professionals like you play right from conception and delivery of pipeline projects?
Pipeline professionals are the guardians, so to say, for any pipeline owners to use for successful design, construction, operations and maintenance of pipelines. As pipeline professionals, we have the knowledge and expertise to advice on the acceptable codes, standards and global best practices in pipeline activities. It is therefore imperative that pipeline owners begin to engage the services of pipeline professionals in the design, construction, operations and maintenance of pipeline to achieve value for money.