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Angola’s Sonangol offloads Olombendo crude as ample supply weighs in Nigeria

West African crude differentials are under downward pressure, traders said on Friday, due to ample supplies, although cargoes are finding buyers.


* State oil company Sonangol has sold an Olombendo cargo to P66 that was on offer at dated Brent plus $1, a trader said. The seller was still offering a Gimboa cargo at below its previously reported offer, which was dated minus 20 cents.

* Around seven to eight June-loading cargoes are still available.


* Ample supply of cargoes is weighing on the market, a trader said.

* Bonny Light and Qua Iboe have weakened and the lowest offer was heard to be dated minus 20 cents, around 20 cents weaker than previously reported.

Source: Reuters

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